Five ways to regain your energy after caregiver burnout

Five ways to regain your energy after caregiver burnout

As a caregiver, your days are long and filled with responsibilities. Taking care of yourself is at the bottom of the list – and unconsciously, it stays there. You may feel run-down, and like you are burning the candle at both ends. These are some of the symptoms of caregiver stress burnout, and you must pay close attention to them. This burnout will significantly impact your ability to care for your loved one.

46% of caregivers suffer from depression because of burnout. Others include:
Less energy than you once had
Constantly sick
Always exhausted even though you slept and rested
Too busy to take good care of yourself
Anxiety and less satisfied
Impatient and irritable with the person you are caring for
Feel helpless and hopeless.

There are five ways to correct these feelings and regain your energy. Please do not ignore the symptoms of burnout, as it will risk your ability to care for your patient. 

A. Visit a doctor
Schedule an appointment with your doctor. There may be underlying causes for your stress and fatigue, like high or low blood pressure, high or low blood sugar. Your physician can help you to get back on track. 

B. Light exercise every day
If you cannot go to the gym, you can walk around the yard, then jog up and down the driveway. You can also play some music and dance inside your house. Moving your body will help increase the amount of oxygen in your heart, lungs, and brain. This light movement will help you feel better. When seniors do physician-approved exercises regularly, it will help boost their energy levels and help fight fatigue.

C. Meditation
Spend time for yourself. Allocate 5 to 10 minutes to reflect and do some deep breathing. When your patient takes a nap, you can sit on a chair and practice deep breathing for relaxation. You may want to learn basic and simple yoga. Yoga can help relax your muscles, free your mind and improve your energy levels.

D. Proper Nutrition
Go for healthy foods that can fuel your energy. Eat fresh fruit and vegetables.

E. Sleep and rest well
If it is your time to sleep, you should restfully and avoid doing other unnecessary tasks. Try to get 8 hours of sleep at night. Getting not enough sleep may affect your mood, lower your energy and affect your ability to handle stress. Caregivers spend most of their time taking good care of their patients, and subsequently creating an opening for fatigue and stress. 

Additionally, Jolly Angels also offer Respite Care to support family caregivers. 

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